It is a soft, deep and non-manipulative form of treatment. One of the main characteristics, or nature of this touch is the non-predominance of directive and listening. By searching for the balance between ‘pushing’ and ‘gliding’ we experience a unity of internal movement that propels the effectivity which this method is valued for.
The hand in relationship with the movement emerging from the patients matter physical problems are addressed and/or the physical manifestation of other aspects (emotional, mental or behavior related conditions) are set into motion.
If necessary, depth can be added to the physical aspect of the therapy allowing more personal aspects of the complaint to be approached. This suggests that in addition to a therapeutic mode of touch, our relating to the body also opens a field of learning from our experiences within, during and after the treatment.
During a Fasciatherapy session the client lies on a massage table dressed comfortably. the client can relax in the silent presence of my hands. Unlike a traditional massage, i proceed in a delicate dialogue with the inner responses of the fascia to the gentle directive pressure of my hands. The skin is gently touched and no rubbing or kneading is performed.
much of the success of fascia manual therapy stems from the willingness to unwind the resulting tissue-compensations of the patients entire traumatic history, which is very different from just treating a current complaint or simply giving symptomatic relief.
~ een volledige somatische benadering voor fascia als dynamisch communicatie systeem ~
Fasciatherapy is a form of Osteopathy. It is a manual therapy and a somatic mouvement approach, founded deeply on the developments of the great osteopaths in history, it is in fact a form of osteopathy with an holistic approach which was developed by the French osteopath Prof. Danis Bois. His lifework created a form of manual therapy that reaches the being of a person on a profound somatic level through a specific mode of touch. The relationship of the client to her/his own perception is developed as the fascia releases and optimizes its tone into structural balance. As the tissue balances also the perceptual properties of this fascial environment are optimized, meaning the person becomes more present to their own experience of life. A sense of solidity of self can now nourish personal autonomy and enrich all actions and competences. This benefits the wellbeing and deepens the experience of relating in social contexts. The person experiences improved health and personal, social, emotional and psychological wellbeing.
In case of somatic or psycho-somatic imbalances Fasciatherapy DBM mobilizes both the organic and psychological vital resources. During treatment the fasciatherapist addresses the tissues and assists the self-regulating forces slowly and respectfully, without manipulating. It is a very gentle yet profound technique.
In Fasciatherapy MDB we have developed three major methods, we work with a specialized form of touch, sensorial introspection and specific somatic movement protocols, which enter deeply into the perceptual and muscular-motor habits of the body.
How will this be different from the myofascial work?
Myofascial release involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the Myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion. Just as in Fasciatherapy there is an essential “time element”, the movements are slow and with a specific quality of ‘listening’.
While in MFR this has to do with the viscous flow, biotensegrity of the tissue and the piezoelectric phenomenon: a low load (gentle pressure) applied slowly will allow a viscoelastic medium (fascia) to elongate, in Fasciatherapy MDB this quality of listening is of a different nature and achieved differently, with different effects as a result. in addition to the concepts of biotensegrity and the piezoelectric phenomenon Fasciatherapy MDB approaches the body’s fascia always as a part of a unity, of a whole which has developed according to certain form-function relationship. This can be addressed through the coherent associating movement schemes in the body. The tissue of concern is manually taken into elasticity (pressure) according to the associating movement schemes and techniques are now utilized which negotiate on a palpative level with the force of adaptation in the fascia which emerges from a complex communication throughout the fascia of the whole body.
Pregnancy & Post partum
Sport & Performance Optimization
Stress/ Burnout
Chronic pains
Vitality & Well-Being
& Babies
-> potential development
-> vitality increasement
+Fasciatherapie + Somato-Psychopedagogie
De Fasciapraktijk
Christiaan Huygensstraat 32
4816 BK Breda
Locatie Breda
Locatie Rotterdam
Strevelsweg 700
3083 AS Rotterdam